Thursday, May 30, 2013

Genesis 5: Prophecy of Jesus sacrifice

Often we dismiss the genealogy chapters of the Bible.  We dismiss them as "boring reading", and skip to the next chapter.   Take this to heart the next time you fall on a list of genealogical chapters; they're not there just to be there.  Everything in the Bible is placed there for a reason.  They're there in order for the bible to provide courage, to be painfully honest, and to explain itself.  In the case of genesis 5, the lineage for the sons of God, was placed there to provide hope and to prophesy about the coming messiah. It prophesied about the one who'd come to save us all, and whom all of scripture speak of.

Genesis 5 From Adam to Noah (The sons of God)

1. Adam              Man
2. Seth                ↔  Placed or appointed
3. Enosh              Wretched man or fallen man
4. Kenan               Lamenting
5. Mahalalel        The Blessed God
6. Jared               Shell descend or come down
7. Enoch             Teaching, dedicated, disciplined, obedient, unto death
8. Methuselah     This death shell bring
9.Lamech           Power
10. Noah            Rest and comfort

In other words, Genesis 5 prophecies about the coming savior:

Man, placed or appointed, wretched fallen man lamenting.  The blessed God shell descend or come down, teaching, dedicated, disciplined, obedient, unto death.  His death shell bring power, rest and comfort.

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